Sunday, November 30, 2014

Vlogmas is tomorrow!

Hey guys, just want you all to know starting in December I will be doing Vlogmas. What is Vlogmas? It's where you vlog everyday until either Christmas or New Years, but I haven't decided yet when I'll stop. I was going to do it last year, but I didn't want to look dumb vlogging, but now I just don't care since they call me the "YouTube girl" at school. After everyone found out, I pretty much stopped caring. I will, however, not film in a few places just for out of respect or it's not exactly "YouTube friendly".

I will not film in my classes, because I don't think class is YouTube friendly, and I don't want to be disrespectful to the teachers and put that part on YouTube, because some people might just not want to be on YouTube, and I have to respect that for privacy reasons.

I will not film in church, because it's disrespectful to film in church, I would assume.

And I will not film with my friends who do not wish to be on YouTube. A lot of my friends are lenient with it, because they know I make videos, so a lot of them don't mind. Some of them might not want to be on the internet, so I have to respect that. Like I said, a lot of friends don't really mind, and I already have a couple that make videos as well, so they won't mind. You know what I mean.

Anywhere else, I don't mind filming at, unless there's a rule that the area I'm at can't be filmed. I just thought I should clarify so I don't get tons of questions. I really hope you guys love my vlogs since it's something new.

-Amber Nicole

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