Friday, January 23, 2015

The real reason I'm going to live in Japan

Hey everyone, today I wanted to talk about the real reason why I want to live in Japan. Every time someone asks me why I want to live there, I always just say "I like the culture". Which is true. I love the culture. Truth is, I've always loved the country of Japan. I have since I was little. I can't really explain it. I admit, I love anime, but I wouldn't base it on changing my life and moving to a country because of it. I also, wouldn't go because of a guy. Sounds stupid, doesn't it? A lot of the people who know me and know my dreams, thinks that's the reason I want to go, without giving me a chance to explain why I truly want to go. Like I said, I love the culture. I looked up the country when I was in school, when I was supposed to be doing my work (in, I think, 7th or 8th grade). I knew I wanted to go to visit, but never live there. I always thought it was scary to leave a whole country and be in a completely new one. Until 9th grade, I decided to move there when my cousin told me his best friend was teaching English there, and me being stupid was like "You can do that!?" So I decided to teach English there. I told my family my new dream, and they told me it wasn't a good one. That I wouldn't like it, or I would feel so alone. They kept putting doubts in my head, and finally I decided "maybe it's not the best field." A year later, the earthquake happened. I woke up to the news, and I cried thinking about all those people of all ages who passed away. I had school that day, and while I was in my Computer class, instead of doing my work, I looked up all about the earthquake. I wanted to help in any way I could, but I didn't have money to donate, nor could I move there to personally help out. Of course, my family put more doubts in my head saying, "Why would you want to move to a country where this could happen?" Truth is, by this time, I stopped caring. All I was thinking about was going to Japan to help out in any way I could. Not just donating, but actually being there to help out. If only it wasn't so far away from Texas, right? No one seemed to understand. After wards, was when I got j-vloggers, talking about the earthquake, and their experiences. I heard various stories on the news as well. I decided then that next time something like that happens, I'll be there to help, or at the very least, be there to comfort the people that have been affected.When I go, my top choice is Nagoya. However, if another job that's in Japan comes along, I will happily take it. I believe fate has a say in everything. I have friends that live in Japan, but we can always visit each other. I won't be sad. I'll be thankful for just being there. I can't explain why I've always wanted to go, nor can I explain why I wanted to help out so badly. I hope you guys enjoyed this long blogpost! I'll see you guys next time.

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