Thursday, November 27, 2014

What I'm thankful for

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Or if you're from a different country, I hope today's awesome for you! In honor of Thanksgiving, and me being the only YouTuber not doing a "What I'm Thankful For Video". I decided to write a blog post of everything I'm thankful for. Personally, I believe you shouldn't take these small things for granted, and you should count your blessings everyday, but here are some things I'm thankful for. These are in no specific order.

  • Family- This one's an obvious one. My family consists of 7-8 people in my town. I only live with my mom and my sister though. They've definitely been there through my worst times, which still amazes me. They've also been there through my best times. I always make sure to tell them that I love them :)
  • Friends- Okay, I'm not very popular in my town. In college right now I have about 2 friends. Outside of college, I have about 3-5 friends, and on YouTube I have about 2 friends (not including friends from school who make videos) Honestly, I stopped being friend's with the people who hurt me over and over again. These friends were there for me when I least expect it. When I first started YouTube, a fall out happened behind the scenes and the friends that saw it happening were there for me, the people at school also have YouTube channels so they understood too, and were there for me. The people I'm still friends with from high school (my two best friends) are always there for me, when I clearly don't deserve it, and for that I'm thankful. I only keep a few friends in my close circle, but I will always enjoy their company. 
  • YouTube- Okay, this is a weird one considering I "only" have 44 subscribers (thank you so much for that btw!) As you guys know, I started my channel during a dark time in my life. My friends betrayed me (not all, but most), my dreams crashed and burned, and just things like that. So I did what any normal person would do and start a YouTube channel. Just kidding, I'm far from normal. (normal is overrated) After I started it, I got sponsored, made friends 9online and offline) My offline friends saw my videos so that's how we met. I got courage to actually goof around in front of people I don't know, and I found my dream because of it. I love my subscribers so much as well. They know the weird side of me, and I have 44 awesome friends from around the world. I don't know where I'd be if none of that bad stuff happened to me.
  • Music- I write my own music based on different experiences I face. I'm thankful for music being an outlet for me when I'm feeling a certain way that I'm not sure how to express. It's a way for me to express myself without telling the world. I don't show anyone my music though unless I trust someone, but I like it. It helps.
  • My faith- I'm a christian, so my faith is a huge part of my lifestyle. I'm thankful that I can go to God when I feel a certain way. I feel better when I do that.
And I'll let you guys go now. Thank you so much for reading my blog! my video for this week will be a little bit late, I've been sick so I haven't really edited much, but it'll be worth it! See you all soon :)

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