Sunday, January 11, 2015

Finally a new blogpost! Update on where and how I've been

Long time no see! What? I'm actually updating my blog?? Yes, I am. I want to find a more personal way of getting in touch with you guys. If I want to say something, I find it best to just write it down. It's what I do if I've been through a lot. It's how I write music (which you guys probably won't see) but overall, I love writing blogs. I hope you guys like them too. Here's what I've been through lately.

Tripod: Yes, I lost my tripod because I'm a scatterbrained person, I'll be the first person to admit it. I ended up buying another one, and it should be in town as soon as possible, which means more fun videos for you guys to see. I also got new editing software, which I'm so excited to start using when I get my tripod in. I really hope you guys like them! Let me know what kind of videos you guys want to see!

Dreams: I have decided to teach English in Japan. I know I keep going back and forth, but in reality I can't picture myself doing anything else. I'm planning on writing a post on how I'm learning Japanese as well as why I want to go to Japan. I hope you guys stay tuned for that.

Lost Friendships: I lost a friend while I've been away from blogging as well. I've been silenced about it, but since someone's bound to ask me why she won't be appearing in anymore vlogs or videos, I thought I should let you know. My friend and I aren't friends anymore, so that's why. I have nothing mean to say about her, but as people get older people tend to change. We were both changing who we were and sometimes that change can have an affect on the other person without it meaning to. Sometimes you have no choice but to go your separate ways. It's all apart of growing up.

New videos on all three channels: I know. I suck at vlogging. I also suck at my gaming channel. A lot has happened, but starting February I hope that can change. It depends, because I'm also starting school tomorrow (January 12th). If I'm not too busy, it'll be difficult, but I'll try! I promise to keep on writing on this blog to update you all!

That's all the updates I have for you guys. Kind of boring, isn't it? That's the life of a YouTuber for you. I'm also looking for a job, so I can save up to go to Japan, so please pray for me or if you're not religious send me good vibes. I'm really excited for 2015 to be the best year ever. Have a good new year. I'll see you guys soon.

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