Monday, January 19, 2015

Secret Diary of a YouTuber

 Hey everyone, so like I said before I would like to start doing tags on my blog and leave my YouTube channel for fun stuff unless I get tagged by a YouTuber. If that's the case, I'll do a tag video on YouTube. I hope you guys enjoy this little tag!

1. How long have you been on YouTube?
I've been on YouTube for about 8 months I want to say. Best 8 months ever though!

2. At what point do you think you will stop?
I can't picture my life being without making YouTube videos. I enjoy it so much, and it helped me get through so much. Even when I move to Japan I'm going to still be making videos. Even hoping to vlog my first week when I go to Japan! Coming soon in 3-4 years :P

3. The best thing?
Definitely all the friends I made. A lot of the people I consider close friends are the ones I met through YouTube. It's pretty awesome. Also, being able to have a way to communicate with people from different countries.
4. The worst thing?
The negativity that comes with it. When I first started, a YouTuber I looked up to kind of decided to try and tear down the channel I started. I guess, when you start a YouTube channel you have to be prepared for negativity. Now, I have a much thicker skin about the words people say, or the things people do. Out of what happened, I made friends, and I love doing YouTube even more. All you have to do is think positive about the negativity people throw at you. It's may not be easy, but it's possible. Also, learn how to forgive. I'm still subscribed to her channel just because I forgave her. I'm just more cautious of the people I consider friends!
5. How many thumbnail options do you usually take?
Only one! I go on picmonkey and make my thumbnails. I just do what I picture the thumbnail being and do that. 
6. YouTuber crush?
Probably Hajime or Mahoto ssssshhhh don't tell them :P
 7. Who’s on your collab wish list?
Definitely all my "YouTube" friends like Connor, Pug-Chan, Jenny Silver and all my other friends who sadly live far away T-T One day I plan to though! Hopefully it's soon. By the way, you guys should totally go subscribe to them because their the awesomeness people ever :P
 8. What are you wearing on your bottom half?
 Pajama pants.
9. How long until you actually click “record”?
 Not long at all! Fun-fact: I attempt to wing it every time...and fail every I usually have to do a lot of takes rather than wait to press record.
10. How do you feel about the YouTube community/culture?
I love it! Or the part I'm associated with. Most of the people I communicate with are people from the J-vlogging community. It's weird just because I rarely make a video about Japan. However, I'm not complaining. The J-vlogging community is honestly a group filled with the nicest people ever. I've never met a group that nice before, and a lot of them were there for me when I wanted to give up. I know they've been going through a lot of drama lately, but honestly it's not what it's all about. It's the only YouTube community I associate with. Honestly though, I love them all. I hope that answered your question haha.
11. What’s your secret to a successful channel?
Be yourself. Expect the negativity and be prepared for it. I wasn't prepared for it, and I wasn't prepared for the aftermath either. Expect things to go wrong. It won't be perfect, but everything will be worth it. But overall, don't focus on the bad. For every bad thing that has happened to me, something good has happened. Just remember to be yourself. Don't care what they say, because people don't define you. Good luck! If you make a YouTube channel, please send me the link to it. I'd love to see it!
12. Who do you tag?
Anyone who wishes to do it + my friends I mentioned. If you guys have a blog you should totally do it! And send me the link for I can see it.

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