Thursday, October 9, 2014

Busy Busy week (what I've been up to this week)

Have you ever had one of those weeks that you are so busy that you don't even have time for yourself. That was my week this week. I had 2 projects to do, and I barely finished last night. My psychology project ended up being 3-5 pages. My art project ended up taking about 2 full days to complete. I had to work hard because I was sick last week, so I didn't work on it since I missed the day at school when the assignment got assigned. (Just my luck, right?) I think it turned out pretty good, don't you?

My project in psychology was taking 20 personality quizzes and analyzing each one on whether or not it was accurate. We also had to write  stories on 4 images as well. I let my mind run wild on that one. I made one Brady Bunch themed. Could you blame me?

I also saw Annabelle. It didn't really scare me. I don't get scared easy. I haven't seen The Conjuring though. I heard that one was really scary, but Annabelle was scarier. Should I watch The Conjuring? I'm also super excited for Halloween! I'm more excited for Christmas though.

I'm also going to a concert this weekend to see Jaci Velasquez. I loved her music growing up, and I still listen to it from time to time. She's coming to my town, which rarely happens since I love in a small town most people have never heard of. I'll tell you guys about it on Sunday probably! Hope you guys have an awesome week.

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