Sunday, November 30, 2014

Vlogmas is tomorrow!

Hey guys, just want you all to know starting in December I will be doing Vlogmas. What is Vlogmas? It's where you vlog everyday until either Christmas or New Years, but I haven't decided yet when I'll stop. I was going to do it last year, but I didn't want to look dumb vlogging, but now I just don't care since they call me the "YouTube girl" at school. After everyone found out, I pretty much stopped caring. I will, however, not film in a few places just for out of respect or it's not exactly "YouTube friendly".

I will not film in my classes, because I don't think class is YouTube friendly, and I don't want to be disrespectful to the teachers and put that part on YouTube, because some people might just not want to be on YouTube, and I have to respect that for privacy reasons.

I will not film in church, because it's disrespectful to film in church, I would assume.

And I will not film with my friends who do not wish to be on YouTube. A lot of my friends are lenient with it, because they know I make videos, so a lot of them don't mind. Some of them might not want to be on the internet, so I have to respect that. Like I said, a lot of friends don't really mind, and I already have a couple that make videos as well, so they won't mind. You know what I mean.

Anywhere else, I don't mind filming at, unless there's a rule that the area I'm at can't be filmed. I just thought I should clarify so I don't get tons of questions. I really hope you guys love my vlogs since it's something new.

-Amber Nicole

Thursday, November 27, 2014

What I'm thankful for

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Or if you're from a different country, I hope today's awesome for you! In honor of Thanksgiving, and me being the only YouTuber not doing a "What I'm Thankful For Video". I decided to write a blog post of everything I'm thankful for. Personally, I believe you shouldn't take these small things for granted, and you should count your blessings everyday, but here are some things I'm thankful for. These are in no specific order.

  • Family- This one's an obvious one. My family consists of 7-8 people in my town. I only live with my mom and my sister though. They've definitely been there through my worst times, which still amazes me. They've also been there through my best times. I always make sure to tell them that I love them :)
  • Friends- Okay, I'm not very popular in my town. In college right now I have about 2 friends. Outside of college, I have about 3-5 friends, and on YouTube I have about 2 friends (not including friends from school who make videos) Honestly, I stopped being friend's with the people who hurt me over and over again. These friends were there for me when I least expect it. When I first started YouTube, a fall out happened behind the scenes and the friends that saw it happening were there for me, the people at school also have YouTube channels so they understood too, and were there for me. The people I'm still friends with from high school (my two best friends) are always there for me, when I clearly don't deserve it, and for that I'm thankful. I only keep a few friends in my close circle, but I will always enjoy their company. 
  • YouTube- Okay, this is a weird one considering I "only" have 44 subscribers (thank you so much for that btw!) As you guys know, I started my channel during a dark time in my life. My friends betrayed me (not all, but most), my dreams crashed and burned, and just things like that. So I did what any normal person would do and start a YouTube channel. Just kidding, I'm far from normal. (normal is overrated) After I started it, I got sponsored, made friends 9online and offline) My offline friends saw my videos so that's how we met. I got courage to actually goof around in front of people I don't know, and I found my dream because of it. I love my subscribers so much as well. They know the weird side of me, and I have 44 awesome friends from around the world. I don't know where I'd be if none of that bad stuff happened to me.
  • Music- I write my own music based on different experiences I face. I'm thankful for music being an outlet for me when I'm feeling a certain way that I'm not sure how to express. It's a way for me to express myself without telling the world. I don't show anyone my music though unless I trust someone, but I like it. It helps.
  • My faith- I'm a christian, so my faith is a huge part of my lifestyle. I'm thankful that I can go to God when I feel a certain way. I feel better when I do that.
And I'll let you guys go now. Thank you so much for reading my blog! my video for this week will be a little bit late, I've been sick so I haven't really edited much, but it'll be worth it! See you all soon :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Personal accounts vs. Public accounts The Life of a YouTuber part 1

Hey guys, so this has been on my mind a lot. Consider this a type of "rant". This has been on my mind lately, so just bare with me. Now I know the title says "YouTuber", and if you say YouTuber you think like a million subscribers. I have 42, but being a Youtuber all it means is consistently making YouTube videos regardless of how many subs you have.

I love being a small YouTuber just because not a lot of people watch me. It's easy to reply to all the comments, and I do. I love reading the comments, and I love those who watch my videos. I have some subscribers who believe in me, and I'm very blessed that I never get hate on my videos. So what's the problem?

I try to separate my life from the internet, to my life I'm living now. I'm very secretive about my actual life, and some of my subscribers think they know my actual life, and a lot of things about me, so something happens. All my personal accounts are found, and people try to talk to me through that. They try to add me on facebook when I never revealed my last name, they find me on skype, and even chatango. I normally wouldn't mind, and I honestly never thought much of it until I ended up adding someone who watched my videos, and never left me alone on facebook.

At first, I thought it was adorable. Then he started asking me questions, asking me what kind of shampoo do I use, and they eventually got more creepy. What freaked me out the most, was he found all my personal social media accounts. I don't reveal that information, and I apparently wasn't careful enough with my personal information. I started to ignore him, and he later unsubscribed saying "I was just like the rest of the YouTubers he watches".

I love my subscribers, you can ask my friends. I have facebook, twitter, tumblr, and blogspot for I can keep in contact with you. I have more social media that is personal to keep in contact with my friends. Some of my friends don't use facebook, so I go to Skype or Chatango. The reason why I don't give you that information is because I live in a really small town, I have friends that don't want to be known, and I try to keep my social life and my internet life seperated.

I just don't appreciate when I get tweets or messages saying I'm selfish just because I don't reveal personal accounts. I have public accounts for that. I talk to everyone, which is why I'm happy to be a small YouTuber. I just thought that you guys should know. I truly love you guys, and I really hope you understand. It's been kind of bugging me lately. I'll talk to you guys real soon!

-Amber Nicole

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Best night ever? My concert experience.

Okay, I know it's been a while since my last blog post, but I've been super busy I swear. With all these tests and projects, I didn't even get to upload a video because I didn't have time to edit. I was going to post My Concert Experience blog on Saturday, but I was still kind of freaking out over my shenanigans that led me to meet the band. Let's start from the beginning.

I got to the venue at 5 o'clock thinking that the concert started at 6, well we got the time wrong. It started at 7, so we waited 2 hours in line.Well, if you don't know my family history, we get dizzy spells. The excitement got to me (and the anger from fan girls that kept rubbing it in that they got to meet the band) so I did get really sick. I decided to fight it since I got front row seats. I prayed about it, and I felt better almost instantly (Thank God!) So when I sat down, I sat on the edge where the bands enter and get out (also back stage tech people) I met the guy from Family Force 5, and thought he was cute, so I started flirting with him. (long story) well he laughed, but another person in the band started playing along, and I'm not sure who in the band it was, but it was hilarious. Then they went backstage and at the time I didn't know they were in the band. I just thought they were from th media crew. Then, the most memorable moment of my life. I have a crush on one of the band members, and I prayed I would meet him that night since I didn't have back stage passes. Well someone walked by, and I stopped him. I told him, "Hey, you look like  the cute guy from the band.I have a huge crush on him" (I was probably still feeling loopy from the dizzy spell) and he just smiled and was like "The pianist?" and I didn't know what that guy played, so I told him that I wasn't sure what he played. He was cool about it. He goes backstage, and then the first band comes on.

The first band was 7eventh time down. It was pretty cool. They were giving away a free t-shirt to whoever was more enthusiastic. Well I danced my heart out, and he pointed at me and was like "This one's for you!" and I was like yes! Well as he through it, a guy jumped in front of me and caught it. The singer saw that, and laughed at me expression. I was just like how dare you >:o Well as they left, he walked by me, and I was too shy to say anything since I'm shy around musicians for some reason.

Second band came on. We got told the second band wasn't going to play, and that the newsboys would just come on, because of traveling issues. Well Family Force 5 dressed up as the NewsBoys for Halloween. They did pretty good, but they recognized me from stage so that was embarrassing since I flirted with them before hand... But it was all in good fun. They kept looking my way, pointing at me, etc. It was pretty cool. I couldn't find them after the show so I couldn't get an autograph. I was pretty bummed.

Now, when the NewsBoys came on, the most embarrassing thing happened. That guy I called cute and that I was crushing on went on stage, to the piano, right in front of me since I was front row. i was just lie "oh maybe he won't remember or at least not have told the band, I'm safe!" Nope. At first I was oblivious, and when the lead singer told the pianist how girls probably love him, and how he's Mr.Handsome, I was just lie darn right he is! But, the singer saw me staring at the pianist t whole time, so finally he got  in front of him, and winked and waved at me. I was just like "He told him >:o " and so they pretty much messed with me for the first half. I was embarrassed throughout the whole weekend, but now I think it was totally worth it.

Everyone keeps telling me how embarrassing that must've been. It wasn't really. I got to meet some of the band members, and I got to meet my favorite one. I got noticed by all 3 bands, and I'm positive they'll remember me as the weird girl. I'm okay with that. Those people who keep saying it's embarrassing didn't get to meet anyone from the band, so I think it turned out alright. I was sad that it had to end.

Also, I would've vlogged but they wouldn't let me. Sorry everyone!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Halloween Tag!

In the spirit of Halloween coming up in a couple of weeks, and since I started Halloween videos on my YouTube channel. I started off with Rules of a Horror Movie. I decided to do a Halloween Tag on my blog! I love fall, and I love Halloween so why not?

1. What is your favorite Halloween movie?
My favorite Halloween scary movie is definitely Nightmare on Elm Street. My favorite Halloween non scary movie is Nightmare before Christmas. 

2. 1-10, how much do you enjoy Halloween?
Over 9000. That's how much I enjoy Halloween.

3. What is your fondest Halloween memory?
My fondest Halloween memory is when my mom and I came home on Halloween 3 black cat ran in my house. They were so cute. I sadly couldn't keep them. My mom made me take them out. That was fun.

4. Have you always been a Halloween lover?
Yes! I'm not sure why. I just love scary movies, candy, popcorn, and pretty much everything Halloween has to offer.

5. How do you get into the Halloween spirit?
Well October comes around and it immediately gets me into the Halloween spirit....although right now I'm in the Christmas spirit...

6. Favorite Halloween decorations?
One time at Wal-mart I found a Halloween themed Christmas tree. I wanted it so badly.
Not the same one I saw, but you get the gist of it.

7. Favorite halloween/fall scent?
Salted Caramel! I would say Vanilla, but that's my favorite year round. So is peppermint, but peppermint's more Winter.
8. Favorite candy?
The reeses stick things! So good!

9. Vampires or zombies?
Vampires! I'm probably biased since my favorite show is Vampire Diaries...and my favorite movie is Interview with the Vampire...

10. What is your weird/odd fear?

I saw Final destination (I forget which one) and now I hate getting on escalators...Don't judge me!

11. Last but not least, do you believe in ghosts?

Remember to check out my video this week! I'll see you all later. Bye~

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Busy Busy week (what I've been up to this week)

Have you ever had one of those weeks that you are so busy that you don't even have time for yourself. That was my week this week. I had 2 projects to do, and I barely finished last night. My psychology project ended up being 3-5 pages. My art project ended up taking about 2 full days to complete. I had to work hard because I was sick last week, so I didn't work on it since I missed the day at school when the assignment got assigned. (Just my luck, right?) I think it turned out pretty good, don't you?

My project in psychology was taking 20 personality quizzes and analyzing each one on whether or not it was accurate. We also had to write  stories on 4 images as well. I let my mind run wild on that one. I made one Brady Bunch themed. Could you blame me?

I also saw Annabelle. It didn't really scare me. I don't get scared easy. I haven't seen The Conjuring though. I heard that one was really scary, but Annabelle was scarier. Should I watch The Conjuring? I'm also super excited for Halloween! I'm more excited for Christmas though.

I'm also going to a concert this weekend to see Jaci Velasquez. I loved her music growing up, and I still listen to it from time to time. She's coming to my town, which rarely happens since I love in a small town most people have never heard of. I'll tell you guys about it on Sunday probably! Hope you guys have an awesome week.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My New Blog!

Okay, so I know I've been promising vlogs...and trust me, you'll get some during December (I'm going to try to do vlogmas! plus weekly videos) I decided to get more personal with you guys, for you guys can see my actual life behind the scenes. I'm that shy, quiet girl you'll sit next to in class. Then on camera I'm some hyper girl who loves cheering people up if they have a bad day. I really enjoy what I do. I hope you guys like the content I put out as well. I decided for my first vlog, I'll answer some questions so you guys can get to know me a little better than you normally would on camera.

1. Are you named after anyone? I'm not sure honestly. I don't think so. If I remember the story correctly, my mom and dad couldn't exactly agree on a name until they reached Amber. They both loved it!
2. When was the last time you cried? A couple days ago...I cried watching a movie. Don't judge me!
3. Do you have kids? No, but I would love some in the future! Not anytime soon though.
4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Of course! Does that make me sound conceited?
5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I use sarcasm more than I should. It's my way of kidding though, so I never use sarcasm to hurt anyone. I mostly use it around my friends.
6. Will you ever bungee-jump? I would like to think I would. I'm terrified of heights though!
7. What’s your favorite cereal? When I was little, they had an oreo cereal. I forgot the name, but it was super good! Now it's probably the cookie crisps, reeses cereal, or cocoa puffs. 
8. What’s the first thing you notice about people? I notice eyes and hair first. Always. I've always been like that.
9. What is your eye colour? Brown.
10. Scary movie or happy endings? It's a mix with me. My two favorite things to watch or horror movies and Disney. I can't pick one! What can I say, I'm weird.
11. Favorite smells? Peppermint and vanilla. I actually have a peppermint candle that I have to light every year when Winter rolls around. It's the best.
12. Summer or winter? Definitely Winter! Christmas is in Winter. I love the recipes, the christmas tree, the traditions, Christmas movies (Santa Clause 1, 2, and 3. I marathon those every year. It's my tradition.)
13. Computer or television? That's a hard one. I love my laptop, but The Vampire Diaries just came back on TV. I have to watch it. It's my favorite show right now. I guess my laptop though, since I kind of spend most of my time filming and editing videos.
14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? I live in a small town and our family doesn't really travel much, only to go to San Antonio, so San Antonio! I love it there.
15. Do you have any special talents? None that I consider special. I can sing, write music, I guess editing? Gosh this is hard.
16. Where were you born? Texas!
17. What are your hobbies? Singing, writing, editing, filming, studying japanese, watching j-dramas, YouTube, etc.
18. Do you have any pets? Yes! I have a hamster named Yuki, and a cat named Kyo. (A fruits basket reference)

19. Favorite movie? 13 Going On 30, Now You See Me, Santa Clause 1,2, and 3, Lion King 1 and 2. Nightmare on Elm Street. The list goes on!
20. Do you have any siblings? Yes! I have an older sister, she's appeared in some of my videos.
21. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to teach English in Japan. I wanted to be an actress, but something happened which I'll tell you about next time! The suspense thickens... >:D

I really hope you guys like my blogs. I'll try to do them weekly. I'll see you guys next week with a new video, and blog! Bye everyone~