Wednesday, February 11, 2015

GatoCon Weekend!

So, I didn't upload a video on Friday of last week because I was both sick and hit with a lot of homework and tests for school, so I'm sorry. There will be one this weekend! But last weekend I went to GatoCon which was amazing! I went with 2 of my best friends and had the time of my life. I did have to leave during the rave because I got sick, but I'll get to that later. I suck at vlogging, I'll admit it. However, I took a lot of footage and pictures I'd like to show you. Think of this as a thank you for helping me reach 50 subscribers!

The first thing we did was go shopping. I bought a little Vaporeon necklace that I absolutely adore! My friend bought my friend, her, and I matching Pokeball necklaces as well for we can do good on the Pokemon trivia! Needless to say, we all failed. We kind of got last place, but it was still so much fun!

My Vaporeon Necklace.

After the Pokemon Trivia, we went back to shopping. I love shopping, especially if it's like anime shopping. Although, I bought an Inuyasha plush instead. I got my sister a kyo plush coin purse, and a manga since she couldn't make it because of work. We then went to go out to eat at the Pizza Parlor. I missed Premature Punchline, but I'm sure no one actually noticed I was gone lol. I went with Rachael, Mickayla, and Sierra. 

My friend and I. Can you guess which one?

Rachael, Mickayla, and I decided to go to the Rocky Horror Picture show since we had  hard time deciding what to sing for the Karaoke Contest. It was also fun, but there was a lady who kept talking and yelling throughout the whole thing it made us all very annoyed ^^;

Rachael and I taking a picture with our favorite cast member. 

This guys awesome XD 

I also took a picture with the best Joker ever XD 

Then afterwards, I took a picture with a random cosplayer 

Then I got sick, so I had to leave 20 minutes into the Rave T-T I still had a blast though! Those were all my favorite pictures from Saturday! Now onto Sunday!

Sunday, we were all broke, yet we still went to the Vendors and got really tempted...sadly. Sierra didn't go so that part sucked, but Rachael and Mickayla did. I wanted to spend all day in the anime viewing room, but sadly I didn't get into the movie so I decided to go to my friend's house to eat instead. We got back and literally did nothing all day except go to one panel "How to get into Character" and he's a pretty well known cosplayer in my area which I didn't know, but apparently everyone did, so he inspired me to make more content with my YouTube videos, learn how to do impressions, and Cosplay! Also draw for some reason and I have no idea how... We just talked about YouTube and our different views on our channels and stuff. Him, Rachael, Mickayla,  and I were the only ones in the room until he did a joker impression. then everyone decided to come in haha. It was a lot of fun! That was basically my weekend in a nutshell. I'll make more blogs soon!! :)